FBC has been blessed over the years with an active Student Ministry for junior and senior high and college students. On a weekly basis, students meet together during Sunday School, Sunday evening activities, and Bible studies. About a dozen faithful men and women volunteer their time and energy as Youth Staff.
Sunday School classes for both junior high and senior high students are offered First Hour (9:00 AM) each Sunday morning. Activities are included on the email announcements that are sent out regularly to students and parents on our mailing list. Check out some of our recent news on our Facebook page.
Each year students come to faith, and are strengthened in their walk with Jesus Christ through weekend retreats and other outreach events. Many students are involved in summer mission trips, serving needs and sharing the gospel.
Rooted in God’s Word: Solid Bible teaching is foundational to our ministry. We seek to communicate God’s Word clearly and accurately and to equip students with the ability to understand and apply biblical truth leading to life transformation.
Evangelism/Discipleship: We train and provide opportunities for our students to communicate the Gospel of Christ verbally and through their lifestyle. We desire to equip our students through mentoring relationships to become disciples of Jesus and disciple-makers of others.
Outreach: Our students are given opportunities to learn about God’s heart for the world, to support career outreach partners, and to participate in short-term experiences, both locally and abroad.
Families: Our Student Ministry exists to complement, not replace, the Christian spiritual formation which occurs in the family. Our goal is to support the families of our students by helping equip Christian parents to train their children in the Lord.
Junior High Girls Bible Study
meets Wednesday evenings from 6:45 - 8:00 PM during the school year at FBC.
Senior High Bible Study
meets Wednesday evenings from 6:45 - 8:00 PM during the school year at FBC.
(check the calendar for the current schedule)
Each summer we provide a weekly small group Bible study for college students (or anyone of college age). They typically meet on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings from mid-May through early August.
The Student Ministries of FBC adhere to the guidelines stated in the Child Protection Policy for the safety and wellbeing of those under our care.
For more information about anything to do with Student Ministries, or just because... contact Ian Sheidenberger, Associate Pastor of Student Ministries.