Traditional Teachings of FBC


The doctrinal statement of Faith Bible Church is a summary of statement on theological positions that we believe are essential to the Christian faith. It is not an exhaustive statement, and thus it allows for varying positions on what may be considered non-essential. With regard to these positions, the church has traditionally maintained positions that we believe best reflect the biblical teachings. Even among the current leadership, we have slightly different points of view on these areas. We believe there is room for diversity of opinions within a given range. However, we also believe that it is important to share these and to expect elders to represent these as the traditional positions taught at FBC.

Eschatology: The pre-tribulation rapture of the church, the pre-millennial return of Jesus Christ, and the establishment of a literal 1000-year reign of Christ.

Soteriology: Traditionally the church has reflected a "Calvinistic" soteriology, with variance on the design of the atonement.

Charismatic Practices: Cessation of sign gifts after the times of the apostles.

System of Theology: Dispensational as opposed to Covenant.

Creation: Literal 6 day creation.

Bible Translations: Our understanding is that the original autographs are inspired, and if that translation is an accurate reflection of the original languages it is acceptable. The ESV, NASB, NIV, NKJV, and KJV are the versions that are preferred by the congregation of FBC.

Role of Women in the Church: Spiritually equal to men, able to have significant ministry, precluded from holding biblical office of church leadership, not teaching men of high school age and older.

Divorce and Remarriage: Limited divorce for adultery and abandonment, with allowances for remarriage.

Worship Style: Traditional/blended, using contemporary choruses. Orderly – not liturgical.

Social Advocacy: Individually active – guarded involvement by the church as a whole.

Lifestyle: Consideration for the "weaker brother" is demanded; therefore the abstinence from certain practices is desirable for those in positions of leadership.

Baptism: Baptism signifies personal salvation. In baptism, the professing Christian follows Jesus in faith, burial, resurrection, and new life. If you have not been baptized since trusting Christ as your Savior and Lord, we urge you to be baptized. This is an act of discipleship, not a requirement for fellowship or Family at FBC. Throughout history the Church has baptized by sprinkling, pouring, and immersion. FBC practices immersion (Matt 28:19; Acts 2:38,41, 8:38, 16:32–34; Rom 6:1-4).

Child Dedication: The dedication of children at FBC is a precious moment for our church family. It is a public commitment to raise them under the Lordship of Christ and use the utmost wisdom and discretion in encouraging each child to live for Jesus. It is an act in which parents give their children back to God, recognizing that they are the Lord’s gift to them. The church family, in witnessing this ceremony, pledges its accountability to the children and parents.
